import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; export const DARK_PALETTES = [ { slug: 'style-1', title: __( 'Style 1', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#0085FF', '#0177E3', '#FFFFFF', '#E7F6FF', '#212A37', '#0F172A', '#4F5B62', '#070614', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-2', title: __( 'Style 2', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#8B5DFF', '#7B47FF', '#FFFFFF', '#F2F0FE', '#1B203A', '#0F102A', '#4B4D56', '#0D0614', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-3', title: __( 'Style 3', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#21B4A6', '#0FAF9F', '#FFFFFF', '#EDF6F3', '#1C2A3C', '#111A28', '#4E4E4E', '#061314', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-4', title: __( 'Style 4', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FF6210', '#FF5700', '#FFFFFF', '#FEF1E4', '#21201F', '#171615', '#373532', '#140B06', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-5', title: __( 'Style 5', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#239D60', '#039A4F', '#FFFFFF', '#EDF6F1', '#202B29', '#131D19', '#353A36', '#0C1406', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-6', title: __( 'Style 6', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FB5FAB', '#EA559D', '#FFFFFF', '#FCEEF5', '#29223C', '#180F2A', '#4B3F4A', '#140610', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-7', title: __( 'Style 7', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#DD183B', '#CC1939', '#FFFFFF', '#FFEDE6', '#231417', '#150B0F', '#3D2E32', '#140609', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-8', title: __( 'Style 8', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FD9800', '#E98C00', '#FFFFFF', '#FEF9E1', '#161923', '#090C17', '#2E2D2A', '#141006', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-9', title: __( 'Style 9', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#DCA54A', '#D09A40', '#FFFFFF', '#FAF5E5', '#1B1B1B', '#0E0D06', '#2E2D2A', '#141006', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-10', title: __( 'Style 10', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#3AA6B9', '#2997AA', '#FFFFFF', '#E9F8F9', '#1C2125', '#091118', '#2E2D2A', '#061114', '#222222', ], }, ]; export const LIGHT_PALETTES = [ { slug: 'style-1', title: __( 'Style 1', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#0067FF', '#005EE9', '#0F172A', '#364151', '#E7F6FF', '#FFFFFF', '#D1DAE5', '#070614', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-2', title: __( 'Style 2', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#54B435', '#379237', '#0F172A', '#2F3B40', '#EDFBE2', '#FFFFFF', '#D5EAD8', '#0C1406', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-3', title: __( 'Style 3', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#DD183B', '#CC1939', '#0F172A', '#3A3A3A', '#FFEDE6', '#FFFFFF', '#FFD1BF', '#140609', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-4', title: __( 'Style 4', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FB5FAB', '#EA559D', '#0F172A', '#454F5E', '#FCEEF5', '#FFFFFF', '#FAD8E9', '#140610', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-5', title: __( 'Style 5', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FF6210', '#F15808', '#1C0D0A', '#353535', '#FEF1E4', '#FFFFFF', '#E5D7D1', '#140B06', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-6', title: __( 'Style 6', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#6528F7', '#5511F8', '#0F172A', '#454F5E', '#F2F0FE', '#FFFFFF', '#D8D8F5', '#0D0614', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-7', title: __( 'Style 7', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#FD9800', '#E98C00', '#0F172A', '#454F5E', '#FEF9E1', '#FFFFFF', '#F9F0C8', '#141006', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-8', title: __( 'Style 8', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#1B9C85', '#178E79', '#0F172A', '#454F5E', '#EDF6EE', '#FFFFFF', '#D4F3D7', '#06140C', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-9', title: __( 'Style 9', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#DCA54A', '#D09A40', '#0F172A', '#4A4A4A', '#FAF5E5', '#FFFFFF', '#F0E6C5', '#141004', '#222222', ], }, { slug: 'style-10', title: __( 'Style 10', 'astra-sites' ), colors: [ '#3AA6B9', '#2997AA', '#0F172A', '#454F5E', '#E9F8F9', '#FFFFFF', '#CAE6E8', '#181823', '#222222', ], }, ]; {"id":5245,"date":"2023-12-01T15:24:05","date_gmt":"2023-12-01T09:54:05","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/\/?p=5245"},"modified":"2023-12-01T15:50:43","modified_gmt":"2023-12-01T10:20:43","slug":"top-20-happy-new-year-2024-wishes-for-your-loved-ones-family","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/top-20-happy-new-year-2024-wishes-for-your-loved-ones-family\/","title":{"rendered":"Top 20 Happy New Year 2024 Wishes for Your Loved Ones and Family"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
Embrace the dawn of Happy New Year 2024, an era teeming with promise and endless possibilities! As the clock strikes midnight, usher in the nascent year with jubilant celebrations, surrounded by the cherished company of friends and family. Let the revelry commence with a symphony of well-wishing, as you send forth these heartwarming New Year messages to illuminate the lives of your loved ones.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
A cascade of felicitations greets you on the threshold of 2024! Happy New Year! May this year unfurl its tapestry of wonders, exclusively tailored for you.<\/cite><\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n\nIn the tapestry of time, may the threads of your endeavors weave a mosaic of triumphs and perpetual joy. Bestow upon yourself the treasures of boundless happiness in the coming year!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n
\nTraverse the landscape of resolutions and checklists with unparalleled zeal this year. May each accomplishment resonate with the sweet melody of success, echoing in the corridors of your achievements!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n
\nBehold the vast expanse of the New Year, a realm adorned with the boundless prospects that await. Dare to dream grandiose dreams and harbor unwavering belief in your capabilities!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n
\nLet the reverberations of happiness, success, love, and blessings resonate throughout your existence in the New Year 2024. Here’s to a truly remarkable and blissful journey ahead for you and your family!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n\n
\nAmidst the tapestry of time, discover the gems of joy, success, and love that await. Happy New Year to you and your family, may your days be adorned with unparalleled bliss!<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n\n\n